




Performed two songs yesterday in school for a prize giving ceremony,"星期六的深夜"and"普通朋友",I've posted one of it on the blog. Being the very first performance I had since the year I'm quite satisfied with it,most importantly I really enjoyed that ten minutes on the stage and I hoped that everyone listening felt the same way.
Special thanks to Shinn who recorded the entire performance


Who am I?

" Who am I?"Just recently I realise that I'm unable to give it an exact answer. Ever since I began to understand this society,this world, I'd been learning everything from others. When I was young I idolised great heros in books and television shows who always saved the world at last, so I adopted certain morals from all these books,shows and of course from the family ect...And later in life all these have seemed to cause a great influence to my destiny;the way I view things,judge things and execute my tasks...But sometimes I wonder: Am I just another copy of "someone" in this society, and who am I really?
I love singing since young,and for all these years I've been trying to be the artists that I like. I never thought of becoming "myself" until my first demo song was out last month,and indeed I've decided to set up this journey in the searching of my own identity,style and life.I know that it's a long journey ahead,but I believe my passion and love for music will eventually guide me to where I am and who I am supposed to be.
May my dream come true


Start Off

Lost my old blog password somehow,which I've been using since 2006...Feeling kind of sad because it's meaningful to me...After an hour of "rescuing work",I gave up and created this new blog...Well nothing much to write,*sadding*...

新谣再飞2010 初赛

Performance for a prize giving ceremony in school

Impresario 2009 semi-finals